Weekend Guide

October 30


Whether you're a first time guest, regular attendee, or member, please fill out this form so we can stay in touch! The service will last about an hour and our Team Members & Staff are here to serve you, so please let us know if there’s anything we can do. Thanks for joining us!

Today's Sermon

Unstoppable Grit

God sees beauty in brokenness. Jesus came to the earth and went to the cross because God refused to give up on His people. Our lives have been corrupted by sin, but Jesus offers us immediate new life in Him. When we follow the example of Jesus, we learn how to live a life that’s been “reclaimed” by God for His amazing purposes.


This week in the mail, you will receive the Unstoppable quarterly update. There are so many good things to celebrate from the last 3 months and since Unstoppable started last fall. But we know God has done some remarkable things in a lot of your lives since we, as a church, embarked on the Unstoppable mission of 100% engagement and Mission Advancement. We’d love to celebrate what God has done in your life.



Join us tonight for our Fall FX! All families are welcome to come in their Halloween costumes. There will be live teaching, games, candy, and fun for all ages! Doors open at 5:45, and we will get started at 6:00!

The Event


The Event is a weekend event for high school students in grades 9-12 on the campus of Ozark Christian College. The Event encourages and equips those who minister to youth and challenges youth to pursue life on mission with God, practice Christian service, and build Christian character at a young age. The Event also recruits more workers for the harvest field, engaging them in Ozark’s mission to train for Christian service.



Invasion is a night of fun for junior high students, 6th – 8th grade! Students are invited to spend their Friday playing dodgeball, basketball, 9-square, and much more. Expect large group activities and fun competitions with prizes along with pizza that is $1 per slice. Vending for drinks and snacks will also be available.

First Kids Baptism Class


Have you ever wondered how to talk about baptism as a family? Come to our Baptism Class! Join the conversation as we talk through what baptism means, and what a baptism at First Church looks like.

Senior High Worship Night


Fill your cup and your heart during Senior High Worship Night at She Brews Coffee House in Tulsa on Sunday, Nov.13. From 6-8PM, enjoy worship and time together over coffee and snacks sold at the shop. Transportation from the church leaves at 5:30PM & will return at 8:45PM.

Next Steps.


Baptism illustrates Christ’s burial and resurrection, and is your entry into a new life in Christ Jesus.

“Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we have been united with Him like this in His death, we will certainly also be united with Him in His resurrection.” – Romans 6:3-5

Life Groups

The first church in the Book of Acts was always together and that's exactly what we want. Our discipleship ministry is based on Groups and because we desire to be the church EVERY DAY, we have life groups that meet almost every day of the week. It is our hope that every family who calls FIRST CHURCH home, will be a part of a group, because life, is so much better together.


One of the best ways to get connected and one of the ways to serve Jesus here is through one of the ministries at First Church and in your community! There are several opportunities both inside your church and outside the church that we can help you get involved in and make a difference. We want to partner with you to find God’s plan & purpose for your life. We are passionate about getting individuals out of the stands, and onto the field!

Discover First Church

If you have been attending First Church and are ready to take the next step towards becoming a part of our family, the Discover First Church is for you. During this time, you will discover what we believe as a Church, where we come from, where we’re going, and how you connect and be a part of God’s ministry here with us


Our Mission Remains Unchanged!

As Christ followers, we believe that we are stewards of God’s resources and that He is the owner of all things. In scripture, we are reminded of the importance of giving at least one-tenth of all God has so generously given to us. The Bible says, “‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.’” (Malachi 3:10).
We also believe that God desires of us to be generous. The Bible says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

  • Using your Online Banking Platform
  • Online with the church website or app
  • Drop Off at the front lobby dropbox
  • Mail to: 10100 N. Garnett Rd. Owasso, OK 74055